EAID Solution NextGen GRC

Bridge the gap between Security and other departments

EAID Solution NextGen GRC

EAID Solution NextGen GRC


Fortune 500 companies continue to get compromised, filling the evening news with stories of sensitive customer data being leaked to cyber-criminals. According to the Breach Level Index, roughly 10 billion records have been breached since 2016.These causes generally happen when there is a disconnect between Security and other departments.

BizzSecure bridges that gap: we provide solutions and services necessary to manage, integrate, design, implement, assess, and audit information security controls, policies, and remediation efforts, including:

  • Empower Infosec executives to gain visibility of security and compliances risks and manage them
  • Managing, integrating and automating audits, assessments, and remediation workflows
  • Implementing security controls and compliance policies based on regulatory and business needs
  • Providing policy templates for information security controls and compliances

We understand meeting regulatory compliance requirements is quite challenging, especially when dealing with subjective audits.

As you know in order to be secure and compliant identifying gaps with audits/assessments is just not enough, this is only the first step. Once you find those gaps now you need to take it to every single department and convey in their language so that they can fix it. It doesn’t end there you have to track and validate them as well. This whole process is extremely manual which leads to a disconnect between Security and other departments. With our EAID Solution we can bridge that gap and automate the entire workflow to keep your company secure and compliant.

EAID is not just an auditing tool, it is a solution for executives to keep their company secure and compliant by bridging the gap between Security and other departments.

Our EAID solution is a monthly subscription which will help your company meet regulatory compliance requirements by managing your company’s security and compliance risks and integrating remediation without the need to invest in expensive and complex tools or hiring additional resources.We identify security gaps and help to address them for your third-party vendors, physical locations, network, application, business continuity, etc. We provide visibility of security and compliance risks and automate audit and assessments workflows. Further, we help to prioritize and track risk remediation efforts and provide a single repository for evidences and reports with minimal resource overhead. We help you comply with industry standards such as HIPAA-HITECH, PCI-DSS, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, NIST CSF, FFIEC, FISMA, ISO 27002, GDPR, CCPA, FedRAMP, and others.

Key Benefits of EAID Solution

  • Stay Secure and Compliant
  • Visibility of Security and Compliance Risks
  • Integration of Risks and Remediation
  • Automate Audit and Assessment Workflows
  • Instant Gap Analysis and Risks Reports
  • Prioritize and Track Remediation
  • Compare Security Maturity
  • Built-in Policies for Security Controls

Questionnaire Based Security & Compliance Risk Assessment

Design Information Security Controls & Policies

  • Security Frameworks and Compliances


    NIST 800-53

    ISO 27001









    Cyber Security Framework

  • Cyber Security Framework

  • Industries








How we do it?

Pick Framework / CompliancePick any compliance or framework based on your requirements

1Framework / Compliance

First, we understand your security frameworks and compliance (HIPAA HITECH, SIG, NIST 800-53, ISO, PCI DSS, etc.) controls requirements for your risk assessment i.e. Third-Party Vendors, Physical Security, Network Security, Application Security, Business Continuity etc.

Pick Framework/Compliance
Design Or Select Your Existing Information Security Controls And Policies

2Map or Design Your Information Security Controls and Policies


If your organization already has security controls and policies in place, then we can map or import your security controls and policies for risk assessment. We can adjust the risk weight for each of your security controls and policies.


If you do not have security controls and policies, then we can help you to build security controls and policies from scratch. We have pre-built security controls and policy templates based on various Compliances and Security Frameworks.

3 Add Users

Once we have mapped the security controls and policies to perform a risk assessment the next step is to add users who need to participate and review this assessment. Once these users are setup then they can login and perform an assessment and see reports per there account privileges.

Add Assessors
Create Assessment


Questionnaire Based Security & Compliance Risk Assessment
Once the users have been added and the assessment is created for Third-Party Vendors, Locations, Network, Application, Operations, etc. per your needs, users get access to answer security and compliance related questions and provide evidences.

Risk Reports DashboardOne can see the clear picture of assessment in dashboard

5Risk Report Dashboard

Once the assessment has been created, we provide dashboard access so that you get a holistic view of your security and compliance risks. We provide visibility of those risks (Third-Party Vendors, Physical Security, Network Security, Application Security, Business Continuity etc.) from day 1. Based on your risk weightage for each security control and policy it will provide Critical, High, Medium, Low risk reports for each category being assessed. You can drill-down to get more information to see which control and policy has a gap and needs to be remediated. These various risk reports can be exported as well.

If you have one or multiple vendors or geographical locations, then you can navigate between one vendor to another or one geographical location to another and see their risks. You can also see overall holistic aggregated risk for all vendors or locations. This will allow you to prioritize risk remediation efforts for your organization.

Risk Reports Dashboard
Prioritize And Track Risk Remediation

6Prioritize and Track Risk Remediation

Based on risk reports we can help prioritize your security risks and gaps (Third-Party Vendors, Physical Security, Network Security, Application Security, Business Continuity etc.). We create a project or a task to address security risks and fix the gaps. We also define timelines and assign resources for these remediation projects and tasks. This can help anticipate and overcome the road blockers, as well as reduce the number of project managers needed to track these remediation efforts.

We provide you a dashboard to gain visibility of remediation efforts to ensure remediation efforts are being done in a timely manner, resources are being properly utilized and reports can be exported for key stake holder’s visibility on the remediation progress.

7Risk Reassessment

After completing remediation efforts, now it’s time to reassess the remediated risks of your security controls and policies to measure the security maturity progress. The same participants will re-answer and provide the evidences for the identified gaps in the assessment. Your dashboard automatically updates the risk reports per the participant’s answers and evidences for each fix to the corresponding categories (Third-Party Vendors, Physical Security, Network Security, Application Security, Business Continuity etc.)

Reassess The Risks
Compare The Progress

8Compare the Progress

Once we perform multiple periodic assessments then we can compare one assessment to another and see the progress for security maturity and compliance completeness. This comparison gets you instant visibility for your risk remediation projects progress. This can allow you to compare one vendor to another vendor or one location to another location’s risks and remediation progress.

Traditional internal audits and assessments require a substantial investment to identify risks, security gaps, and compliance completeness. This also includes the investment of time: it could take months to assess and gather the information and evidence with meetings from different departments to best develop a comprehensive set of policies and questions to adequately assess these policies. It takes even more time to update the system with the latest updates of security controls and policies; and there is no guarantee that equal or proper weight is given to risk and compliance aspects.

For decades, performing assessments has been a manual and error-prone process, and it’s painfully slow. Such a process relies on spreadsheets and Word documents that take several weeks, months, or even up to a year to complete. The time commitment could slip to beyond a year for an incomplete set of compliance policies. Further, you have no visibility or idea of what to expect until the handwritten report shows up from the assessor.

EAID is an out-of-the-box solution that can be deployed for your team in a few hours. It offers complete visibility of your security and compliance risks, along with your remediation efforts. BizzSecure keeps the solution up to date with all the latest regulatory information and requirements, so you can focus on your security posture. It comes with over 1,800 policy templates addressing the requirements of a dozen compliances. The solution contains over 9,300 targeted questions to validate the compliance and effectiveness of the security controls.

The EAID solution is the foundation of your risk and compliance success and is the key to gain visibility of your security and compliance risks. It automates the internal audit workflow to assess and prepare for security, compliance, and IT audits. EAID also tracks each step of IT and InfoSec initiatives, while providing instant reports of information security risks, remediation efforts, project status, resource utilization, and so much more. It helps you comply with industry standards such as HIPAA-HITECH, PCI-DSS, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, NIST CSF, FFIEC, FISMA, ISO 27002, GDPR, CCPA, FedRAMP, and others.

EAID leverages our numerous years of experience and many person-years of time to develop all the policy templates for each security controls. As a result, policies cover the governances, security control and automating all aspects of compliance assessment, security design, and maintenance. EAID provides visibility into your compliance and security posture, while also covering all vulnerabilities and risks.

Visibility of Every Step of Every Process

The EAID platform tracks and provides instant visibility into every aspect of every step of every project. It ensures the communication and ultimate transparency needed by the stakeholders of your security infrastructure. The EAID platform also provides up-to-the-minute reports of security gaps, risk analysis, and compliance completeness.

Our services don’t stop with the assessment. They continue to help your teams understand the detailed risk reports, prioritize the remediation efforts, and design the security controls needed to be compliant and secure. In addition to that, we track and provide instant visibility into every aspect of every remediation project as well.

Flexible and Automated Compliance and Policy Selection

Compliance composition is of hundreds and thousands of policies. Not every company is ready to deal with every single policy. Additionally, many companies struggle to understand all the security controls and their applicability to their organizations.

EAID allows you to easily select security controls and policy templates to take a phased approach to your assessment needs. In conclusion, you can select several levels of assessment comprehensiveness for your organization based on your security needs and budget.

Therefore, BizzSecure is your one-stop solution for all Risk and Compliance solution requirements. We are skillful and, on our toes, to protect your organization from all the compliance gaps and security vulnerabilities.

Assessment Automation

With the EAID Solution, the entire assessment process can be completed up to 10 times faster. This is due to the SaaS (Software as a Service) efficiencies that are utilized along with the workflow automation, which ensures smooth and timely execution of the assessment. The automation begins with the selection of policy templates for complete regulatory compliance. It involves categories of policies for various departments. Furthermore, we select individual policy templates needed for your security framework. Next, the assessors are notified, and they can immediately begin to answer assessment questions.

The automation benefits continue to the reporting process as well. We can create reports as soon as we receive answers to the first questions with an understanding of the risk and vulnerabilities for each security control. Moreover, if desired, the company can take remediation action within the first hours of launching the EAID Solution within your organization.

Compliance Completeness with EAID Solution

The EAID Solution contains every single policy and security control for your compliance completeness.

We have team of experts are certified with security frameworks and compliance for: ISO 27001 – 27002, PCI-DSS, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, NIST CSF, HIPAA- HITECH, FFIEC, FISMA, FedRAMP, GDPR, CCPA and more.

We write these policy templates in the language of each department to ensure a thorough understanding of the policies and their assessment questions. Consequently, throughout the assessment, we follow effective and streamlined processes. They yield results because they have been proven through numerous security infrastructure designs and assessments with other companies. Together with BizzSecure’s EAID, you will achieve Compliance Completeness and Information Security for your organization.

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Vendor Risk ManagementPhysical Security Risk ManagementNetwork Security Risk ManagementApplication Security Risk ManagementBusiness Continuity Risk ManagementInternal Audit ManagementInformation Security and Compliance Risk Management SolutionsDesign Information Security PolicyCybersecurity Risk ManagementVirtual CISO Services & InfoSec TeamVulnerability Management and Security Penetration TestingManaged Network and Security ServicesNetwork and Information High AvailabilityEAID SolutionFree Basic Assessment (Non-Profit and Great Cause companies)

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Vendor Risk ManagementPhysical Security Risk ManagementNetwork Security Risk ManagementApplication Security Risk ManagementBusiness Continuity Risk ManagementInternal Audit ManagementInformation Security and Compliance Risk Management SolutionsDesign Information Security PolicyCybersecurity Risk ManagementVirtual CISO Services & InfoSec TeamVulnerability Management and Security Penetration TestingManaged Network and Security ServicesNetwork and Information High AvailabilityEAID SolutionFree Basic Assessment (Non-Profit and Great Cause companies)