Five Mistakes You Should Avoid When It Comes to Network Security

Five Mistakes You Should Avoid When It Comes to Network Security

One of the biggest challenges that big business companies face in present times is flawed and inadequate network security. In fact, this challenge is not limited to large companies anymore. Even in the safety of our homes, we carry out bank and credit card transactions online every day, and in doing so, expose ourselves to extreme risks.

As businesses as well as home-based jobs become more and more digital, one must be extra careful about the how, what and where of sharing information and data.

Here are 5 mistakes you should avoid when it comes to network security:

Not Changing the Default Network Settings

The routers that you purchase from a given vendor will come with some default factory settings. It is important to know that all the routers produced by that vendor would have the same settings, which will make yours an easy target for hackers. Not changing these settings is an easy mistake to make. Ensure that you change your router settings, such as the IP address and login password, immediately after setting it up.

Not Encrypting your Wi-Fi Network

A common mistake made by many network users is leaving their Wi-Fi network ‘open’. If you do not encrypt your network, your personal information, including crucial details such as credit card pins and bank passwords, may be read by anyone. To encrypt your network, you may use Wireless Protected Access (WPA) as it has a higher compatibility for home or business networks compared to other available security options. Once encrypted, set a strong password with alphabets, numbers and special characters for your network.

Not Updating your Defensive Software

No matter how expensive your antivirus and malware protection software are, they are of no use if not updated periodically (ideally every week). Some would even argue that using outdated defensive software is just as harmful than not using one at all. Please allow uninterrupted updating of all your firmware to maximize network security.

Placing Trust in Unknown Websites

How many times have you been buzzed by an onslaught of random emails or message boxes that seem genuine at first sight, but turn out to be harmful malware? Trusting such emails and clicking on suspicious message boxes or pop-ups pose immense dangers to your network security. You must ensure that any message that you are clicking on or replying to is from a genuine, trustworthy sender.

Not Asking for Help

Just like most other things in life, network security is not just one person’s game. It can be overwhelming to understand some instructions or figure out the settings or software that are the best for your needs. In such situations, not asking for help would be a grave mistake. Hire an IT professional who can guide you through your network security needs and settings.


Always remember, investing time and money in your network security gets you exponential returns, with interest. Avoid making the above five mistakes and you are all set!