Mastering Your Security Destiny Through Risk Management

Mastering Your Security Destiny Through Risk Management

Mastering Your Security Destiny Through Risk Management

With fast paced technological advancements and highly complex innovations occurring in today`s world, the future is becoming more uncertain. The question for every entity is: Will our information security structures be able to flex and quickly absorb the shocks that may arise?

Risk management is a coordinated approach in understanding an organization’s uncertainties. It builds capabilities which assist in organizations’ timely scanning, assessing and mitigating threats to be within their satisfactory control. Security Risk Management, therefore, provides organization ‘risk intelligence’ by informing and equipping information security structures with proactive mechanisms which deal with imminent and emanating threats.

CISOs and other security leaders should focus on building comprehensive risk management capabilities which make information security structures / programs agile and resilient. With full-fledged risk management structures in place, the security strategy and framework will align with risk intelligence principles. A comprehensive security risk management program should consist of robust security risk policies and procedures, threat scanning mechanisms, objective risk assessment models, risk response plans, and continual communication / learning systems. It is vital for these leaders to ensure their information security structures are agile. Through maturing risk management systems, CISOs and other security leaders will also ensure their information security structures are resilient to any attack on their information assets.

This gives organizations reasonable assurance of their ability to handle any threat in this world of frequent disruptions. Security Risk Management should also be integrated to protect the integrity, safety, availability and confidentiality of data. It also prepares an organization in terms of data compliance obligations. By continually scanning the internal and external environment, an intelligent risk management program proactively detects and aligns the business to new or changing data legislations, laws and policies of their compliance.

I hope this gives some food for thought, tune in for more thoughts and ideas this Thursday.